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Quality Control

  • Quality Management System Certification

    Quality Management System Certification is registered byISO9001:2015.All products in the office and the distribution center are ofglobal approval and meet the demand of the distributor of space flight aviationand the national defence of the Quality Management System Certification.

    Having registration demonstrates to our customers that topmanagement is committed to providing customers with original components withthe least risk of counterfeit.

    System Certification
  • Environment

    Policy on Environment

    YIC has been attaching importance to the environmentalprotection so as to prevent pollution from appearing and satisfy the need forsupervision and environmental protection. We will join hands with ourCustomers,Suppliers as well as the Community in order to know more about theenvironmental problem and support the work of optimizing the cooperativepartnership, reducing the trade impact on environment as much as possible.

  • Statement of PNEDA

    It is claimed by PNEDA that all products sold are 100% authentic.Each product has been tested carefully before being sent to the customer. It isour aim to be responsible for our customers and make them satisfactory.

  • Quality

    Quality Policy

    PNEDA is committed to gratifying and astonishing customers withour customer service excellence, order accuracy and on-time delivery. This isaccomplished through our commitment to continual improvement of our processes,services, products.

  • Testinglab support

    PNEDA will ensure all the functions are no problems before theshipment. All parts will part our QC Dep., we can supply profession testingtechnology. Include functions testing, Visual inspection and Solderability Testing. Guarantee all components are noproblems with the least risk to customer.

    Please send your questions about quality or request forCorrective Actions to Quality. Any questions about our Quality ManagementSystem feel free to contact us.

  • Functionstesting


    All functions and parameters tested, referred to asfull-function test, according to the original specifications, applicationnotes, or client application site, the full functionality of the devicestested, including DC parameters of the test, but does not include AC parameterfeature analysis and verification part of the non-bulk test the limits ofparameters.

  • Visualinspection

    Use of stereoscopic microscope, the appearance of components for360 ° all-round observation. The focus of observation status include productpackaging; chip type, date, batch; printing and packaging state; pinarrangement, coplanar with the plating of the case and so on.

    Visual inspection can quickly understand the requirement to meetthe external requirements of the original brand manufacturers, anti-static andmoisture standards, and whether used or refurbished.
